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Principal’s message

My dear Students, Teachers and Parents

Who would have ever imagined that a microscopic virus would invade the entire planet earth targeting human beings and would stop the world in its tracks?

There are people who have lost their jobs, are forced to move out of their homes because they can’t pay rent. Not to mention the people who are actually sick with Coronavirus, living in make-shift hospital tents, being tended to by nurses in hazmat suits, their families praying they will make it out alive. Or those who are dying and can’t have their loved ones to say goodbye to them on their last days alive.

The repercussions of this are far-reaching and heartbreaking. It’s been devastating for so many of us, and our hearts feel a culmination of pain from everywhere.

When faced with a pandemic, we get to see the meaninglessness of so many things in our lives. The superficial fancy clothes and expensive cars, what does that give us, ultimately? How much importance does that have right now? Or the planning and planning and saving for ‘later’ when what if there is no later?

None of us were prepared for this outbreak. Some are led to ask why a good and loving God allows pandemics such as this in our world. In times such as this, it is normal and natural to ask where God is. Some conclude that struggles such as these are evidence for the non- existence of God.

Friends, hold on to your faith in God, especially at this time! Know that God cares for us despite the pandemic and its effects. In fact, we can take time in prayer to derive strength from God to bear the trials and tribulations of life, and overcome them. God is our solace and succor.

I would readily concede that the misery and the sense of loss engendered by the virus and related difficulties are beyond words. Still, I would endeavor to offer a few angles through which we can look at the situation and see whether we can still have faith in God:

First, it is quite clear that denying the existence of God will not diminish the problem in any way. It is true that people are disposed to look at the sufferings, which are sometimes more than they can bear, and conclude that there is no God. But we have to be clear that that conclusion does not help in the alleviation or abolition of suffering. On the other hand, faith in God can give us the strength to bear the suffering, and bring us hope that, with God’s grace and help, things will change for the better.

Second, for those who believe, God stays with us during our pain and never leaves us alone. As the Psalmist puts it, even in the deepest valleys of suffering, God is there. The love shown by Jesus Christ on the cross affirms that God stays with us when we are afflicted. As a true friend stays with us when we are in pain. God, our Father and true friend, does not go away when we suffer, but stays with us.

THIRD, we have to acknowledge that we live in a fallen and broken world and suffering is part and parcel of life. The present epidemic is a crisis delivered by nature. Here, we must accept the simple truth that you and I sometimes suffer not because of our own mistakes, but because of others’ faults, too. No one is exempt from suffering in this far from perfect world.

FOURTH, we need to learn more readily to accept that life in this world is only a temporary one, and everlasting life begins when we live with God in heaven. This acceptance helps us to hold on to our faith in God and in eternal life that is not limited to our existence on earth.

Remember that we, human beings are resilient little creatures—that means you and me. Yes, you reading this right now! You are a resilient being and this crisis is going to make you stronger. This is a time for us, humans to re-analyze the world we live in. To take a break from the rat race that is society and find something authentic and true within ourselves.

The story of humanity will not end with us being annihilated by the coronavirus, we will overcome and will share our brave survival stories with generations to come. Maybe, and hopefully, what will die out is an old stale form of society. Perhaps this is an opportunity for humankind to make a more sustainable world, not only for the planet but for us humans too.

Stay Home, Stay Happy, Stay Safe & Stay Protected!!!

Expecting your whole-hearted cooperation in the days to come and thanking you in helping us endow value based education in an exemplary manner in this challenging time, I remain,

Yours Sincerely in the Lord,
Sr. Jayanti Kerketta
Ursuline Convent  School , Khalari

“We must be willing to let go of life we have planned, so as to have a life that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell


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